Thursday, June 01, 2006

these are the days of miracle and wonder

Today I heard a friend of mine say to me, "You are making such fun memories!" I smiled because I totally agree. I had grabbed dinner with this friend and then took her over to a house where I spend a lot of my free time. It's a nice home with wonderful people there. Hopefully in a few months I'll be in a house with wonderful people...I'm real excited about that. Anyway...there was a strange since of relief when she confirmed what I already knew to be true. A lot of times I watch my friends who get married, move away, go on travel endeavors, etc. and part of me gets slightly jealous or somewhat anxious about when it's going to my turn to do those things. I felt at peace about all of that last night. I was reassured that my time will come and if for whatever reason it doesn't I am making some of the best memories of my life!

Sometimes I get nervous about growing up. I'm not sure if I know how to do it or if I will make the best decisions. Praise the Lord I'm not the one in control! I've been listening to song "Mended" by Watermark a lot recently. The chorus says,
"You've got all this suspended, all things connected
Nothing was forgotten because Your love is perfect.
You are our healer and You know what's broken.
We're not a mystery to you."
I find it comforting to know that the God who created the universe, created me and cares enough about me to not forget me and the plans He has for me. So I can fear not about the future because it will be full of great memories day after day!

It's summer. That's always a great time for making more memories! I'm excited to see what's in store!

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