Thursday, February 07, 2008

tough sayings for tough times

A good friend, teacher, and former "boss" of mine, Michael Kelley, recently published his second book. The Tough Sayings Of Jesus II. Both books look at somewhat common stories of Jesus or parables that He told that have a good message...but to get there we tend to brush over the tougher parts of the story. A lot of the stories are those that if you have been a Christian for awhile you've heard before. Its those that when you begin to read them, you kind of just want to skip ahead because you already know what God wants you to get out of it. But Michael encourages his audience to spend more time in the middle, more time in the waiting, more time in the uncomfortableness of the situations to see what the Lord is really getting at. I apprecaite Michael's desire to never keep God in the pretty wrapped up box it can be easy to put him. If you are looking for something challenging, a new perspecitve on some things, and thought provoking questions relating stories from the Bible to our lives today I would highly encourage you to check this out. It would be great for a bible study as well!

I just read a session from the book dealing with a "waiting Jesus." Its an interesting concept that God would wait to "answer" our prayers in order for Him to recieve glory. My life is quite interesting these days (thanks to a friend who encouraged me to never answer the quesiton, "What's going on with you?" with "nothing") and I feel as though I'm in a place of waiting. I have friends that are hurting, family members that are sick, and questions of future plans are unknown as well as countries being at war, new leaders being elected, so much poverty, aids, orphans, etc. There are so many things going on that I feel like I have all the answers to and I'm curious as to why God doesn't seem to. Oswald Chambers describes this as "spiritual lust" - when we demand an answer from God instead of seeking after God Himself who gives the answer. My faith tells me to hold on. In efforts to seek God instead of just an answer I find myself waiting...along with God...and there is an odd sense of peace.

***please note the actor/model dear friend of mine on the cover, one Scott Lee Van Dusen!

1 comment:

Stuart said...

Well said. Enjoy the waiting.