Monday, June 19, 2006

pale in comparison

I woke up this morning not ready to start a new week. I wanted to sleep the day away but couldn't get back to sleep at all. I had a lot on my mind and was grateful that at least last week was over with and this one should be more enjoyable.

Each Monday morning we have our staff meeting. It starts with everyone going around saying prayer request, followed by a devotional usually given by our president, and then everyone's schedule for the week regarding if they are in or out of the office. Today I asked for prayer for my upcoming mission trip to Moldova. I couldn't be more excited. I have wonderful people committed to praying for me daily while I am there and I trust that God has amazing things planned for me to see and do. Other people's requests included sick family members, sick friends, friends who had loved ones in car accidents, people looking for jobs, etc. Our devotion today was by one of my co-workers (a woman who I have grown up with and actually babysat her kids a few time when I was younger). She had just gone with the youth from my home church on their mission trip/choir tour to New Orleans. She began to tell stories, describe the scenary, help us get an understanding of the vastness of the devastation still there to be dealt with. All of a sudden my life and my worries seemed to be such a waste...I know they aren't, but they seemed so small when it came to people dying, people trying to adopt kids, people with no home, the entire city of New Orleans.

Today I heard God try and tell me how big He is and in His hugeness how much He still cares. "For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." 2 Corinthians 4:17 My troubles are momentary. My God is forever.


Whit said...

what a fine woman you have become! I'm grateful for our friendship.

Sam Davidson said...

Keep writing! I think you have such a brilliant idea for your blog them (Today I Heard...)!