Monday, December 10, 2007

the sounds of christmas

Last night I heard some amazing music (one of the many reasons why I so enjoy the Christmas season!). Forest Hills Baptist Church had a piano concert. They had 5 grand pianos on stage that were all played at the same time. They had 10 pianist that would rotate out on various songs. There was darn good piano playing going on in that sanctuary. I've always loved the piano and when I hear pieces played as well as they were last night, I'm continually entertained, inspired, and amazed. I knew a few of the pianist and some of the people who arranged the songs so it was extra neat. ...thanks to my friends who came along...I think it was a great night for all!

I also heard LOTS of conversation this weekend. Saturday night I had a Christmas party at my parent's house. It was fantastic! When I began planning and putting the invitation list together I started to stress a little bit as the numbers kept getting bigger and bigger, but it dawned on me...this is what Christmas is about..."families and friends together..." (if I may steal a line from a very beloved FBC Christmas tradition). Though I baked for two days straight and was still getting last minute things out on the table as the first few guests arrived I felt nothing but cheer...friends and family were all there together. It was nice...and fun.

If you've read my blog before you've probably picked up on my love for holidays. Besides the fact that most give me a reason to decorate and host parties I think I love them because they bring people together. Christmas is a time of togetherness, that's why I like it. There is a song in The Muppet's Christmas Carol where the ghost of Christmas present is equating the feeling of love to the spirit of Christmas. One line says, "It is the season of the Spirit. The message if we hear it, is make it last all year." We get so many phone calls about people wanting help during Christmas at the children's home. Our kids our truly blessed this time of year. We always tend to say, "If we only got this many people wanting to help the rest of the year." My prayer for myself this Christmas is to enjoy this season of togetherness, the season of family and friends, this season of joy and hope, this season of celebrating Jesus, and to make it last all year. Maybe each of you will do the same.

Merry Christmas!

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