Thursday, January 10, 2008

I'm in love...

...with my job! Its taken me some time, some bad jobs, and some self assessment to get to this place, but I can truly say I love my job. I'm so thankful for it.

I by no means consider myself a designer. However, part of my job is to communicate with our designer (the fabulous Charlie Wetherington!) and tell him what to create. It's taken me about a year to feel brave enough to really try out my ideas and push the children's homes to the next level. But, by the grace of God and the baby steps we've taken we are slowly getting there. I'm really excited about the new stuff we are doing for the Mother's Day Offering this year. I got the nerves up to suggest some ideas and they were a big hit. Below you will see our super cool poster and new MDO stickers...who doesn't like stickers?!

seriously though...mad props to my boy Charlie...couldn't do it without him!

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